From Africa to the world

The virtues of the “Crincrin” or Vegetable Corchorus:

An annual plant with a tall, upright, and lightly branched stem, the vegetable corchorus is native to India. It has oval and toothed leaves. Widely used in African cuisine, especially in West Africa, it is rich in water and contains numerous nutrients, including proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, fibers, minerals, and vitamin C.

It possesses therapeutic properties as it is diuretic, tonic, and purgative. It has soothing and laxative effects, strengthens vision, combats anemia, stimulates the stomach, and prevents dysuria (difficulty in urination). It also protects brain cells and enhances appetite. A decoction of the plant can even be used to relieve toothache.

In Togo, its leaves are often prepared as a sauce, typically seasoned with dried or smoked fish, crabs, and other ingredients.

The vegetable corchorus is a nutrient-rich plant and is considered an essential part of the diet for children, youth, and adults. Some of its nutrients include:

  • Proteins: The leaves of the vegetable corchorus are particularly rich in proteins, helping to balance the dishes made from accompanying cereals.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The vegetable corchorus is considered the plant with the highest content of Omega-3 fatty acids. This makes it particularly valuable for vegetarians and vegans as Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for brain, heart, and skin health and are often found in fish.
  • Potassium: Essential for various bodily functions, potassium is often lacking in modern diets. Regular consumption of vegetable corchorus can help maintain adequate potassium levels and reduce the risk of hypertension.
  • Magnesium: Often overlooked, magnesium is important for muscle, nerve, heart rhythm, and bone health.
  • Iron: Iron is crucial for red blood cell production. Children and menstruating women are more at risk of deficiency. Including vegetable corchorus in the diet can be beneficial for these groups.
  • Beta-Carotene: A precursor to vitamin A, beta-carotene is important for vision, growth, and the immune system. Its deficiency can lead to vision loss and growth retardation in children.

Due to its high potassium and magnesium content, vegetable corchorus helps maintain muscles, nerves, heart rhythm, and bone health, protecting against cardiovascular accidents.

Additionally: HOW TO CURE “TYPHOID FEVER” AND “MALARIA” USING Vegetable Corchorus??

  • Vegetable Corchorus (entire plant: root, leaf, and stem)
  • Natural lemon (local)
  • Preparation
  • Thoroughly wash the Vegetable Corchorus (root, leaf, and stem) and place it in a clean pot or saucepan.
  • Cut a few natural lemons (local) onto the Vegetable Corchorus in the pot.
  • Add drinkable water and decoct.
  • Usage
  • The patient suffering from “typhoid fever” or “malaria” should drink this decoction throughout the day, as if drinking water.
  • Repeat this until satisfaction.
  • Note: Renew daily.

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